Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Breast Cancer. The Consultant Breast Care Nurse and my first appointment.

18th June 2013, The Breast Care Unit.
The breast care unit at my local hospital is now a purpose built building, no longer part of the main out patients department as it was in 2008. It is a very nice department, I go in and meet the friendly  Consultant Breast Care Nurse. She takes my history;
I am 55 years old, do not smoke ( never have), have two daughters and breast fed then both for a long time. There is no family history of breast cancer. My BMI is 22. I have taken the pill in the past and am taking HRT now. I am fit and healthy for my age and she tells me in the 'low risk' group.....but she pulls a face at the word HRT.
She then gets a sheet of paper with a 'breast map' on it. Examines my breasts, she can feel the lump in the right breast at 9 O'clock, but whilst I say its a pea size lump, she thinks its more tubular in shape. Its is painful and I jump when it is palpated. She draws the findings on the breast map.
I move along the corridor to a room where I have a Mammogram. This is a very thorough examination as the Radiographer locates the lump with a special probe. But it is not unpleasant or painful. I don't understand why all the Mammograms are all so different?
The Consultant Breast Care Nurse calls me in to her office, the Mammogram does not show anything on it. But she is concerned as the lump is palpable and would like me to have a Scan. I go to another room for the scan.
The Doctor performing the scan can see the lump, but the out lines of it are 'poorly defined', so she asks if she can to do a Punch Biopsy. I consent. Lignocaine is injected into the area to numb the pain, then using a thick trocar needle she takes a few samples of the breast tissue. They look like worms in a pot. This procedure sounds worse than the Fine Needle Biopsy I had in 2008, but thanks to the lignocaine it was less painful than that was.
The Consultant Breast Nurse calls me back into her office to tell me that:
The Mammogram does not show anything, but the lump can be seen on scan and the Doctor performing the scan 'is undecided as to what it looks like'. The results of the biopsy will be back on Friday PM and how do I want to get the results. I explain that there is a problem with the date as I will be on a Virgin plane, with my family on the Friday. Bound for Orlando. She tells me that I can have the results sent to me by text? I decline, I don't want to know the results by Text as  its not going to make any difference to my plans, in that I won't be cancelling my holiday if it is late I will be on my way! and anyway it will not make a difference to any treatment plan or surgery schedule even if it is Cancer. I decide I will pop over on Monday 8th of July, when I am back at work and get the results then.
I tell her I have not told any one in my family, asking what she thinks I should do? She kindly advises me that I should let my husband know I have had the tests as it may be a shock for him if the result is Cancer, this is the right decision and I do it when I get home that evening. He seems to take the news well, but is totally convinced that it will be OK and cant possibly be Cancer..........I know it is denial.

I ask him not to tell the rest of the family as I don't want it to be the subject of discussion for the holiday.

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